About The Mafia
About The Mafia

Ndrangheta Mafia Clan Boss Pesce Surrenders


The decimation of the Rosarno Clan of the Ndrangheta or Calabrian Mafia by Italian authorities continued with the surrender of acting boss Giuseppe Pesce.

After being on the run for the last three years Pesce accompanied by lawyers turned himself into authorities telling his defense lawyers “Enough, Im tired of running” asking them to take him in. The Rosarno clan is one of the most notorious clans within the wealthy and powerful Ndrangheta crime syndicate rooted in Italy’s Calabrian region. Giuseppe Pesce was sentenced to 16 years in prison for mafia association charges as one of 42 convictions from a maxi-trial held in palmi and now faces trial for more mafia related crimes. Pesce now faces a possible life sentence for his part in running the mafia clan.



“Giuseppe Pesce”

Authorities in Reggio Calabria believe the younger Pesce was given the task of running the Rosarno clan from his older brother Francesco Pesce from prison. Giuseppe was the only male member of the family on the streets at the time so he was in line to take control. The Rosarno clan has been hit hard by a long series of arrests of many of its members including top leaders mostly due to mafia informer Giuseppina Pesce a cousin of Francesco and Giuseppe. The recent arrest of Domenico Sibio an alleged top lieutenant of Pesce’s who was believed to be handling his hiding arrangements and Pesce’s wife Ilenia Bellocco who was believed to be facilitating contact between Pesce and his conspirators were key to smoking out the mob boss according to authorities.