Mafia Hitman James Files claims he fired shot that killed JFK


A new documentary by Barry Katz called “I Killed JFK” features a former mob associate who claims that he fired the shots from the grassy knoll that killed President John F. Kennedy. James Files who changed his name to Jimmy Sutton says he was the man behind the mystery and he shot JFK on behalf of the Mafia. The documentary chronicles how Files along with fellow mobsters Charles “Chuckie” Nicoletti and Johnny Roselli went to Dallas the day that the President was assassinated.




After a stint in the US Army Files became associated with the Chicago Mafia also known as the Chicago Outfit along with the CIA according to the film. He worked under an underling of Chicago mob boss Sam Giancana in Charles Nicoletti. Mafia bosses across the country including Giancana were angered at the attack on organized crime by attorney general Bobby Kennedy brother of JFK.

Two former FBI agents claim that they believe the story being told by Files is credible. Zack Shelton a retired special agent in the FBI says he has been able to verify a lot of Files’ story including a shot being fired from the grassy knoll where he says he was positioned and fired shot from. William Turner also a former FBI special agent who has dedicated a majority of his life to the JFK case says his investigation has lead him to believe the CIA allied with the Mafia killed JFK.