It’s a war for control of anything illegal within the Pozzuoli area. It was less than 48 hours since reporter Gennaro Del Giudice reported in the Cronaca Flegrea newspaper about a drug dealer’s car being riddled with bullets. But still, last week the sound of gunfire rang out again in the 600 accommodations area of Monterusciello.
Eight hooded gunmen entered a bar shooting, sending patrons fleeing and destroying the establishment.
This was a warning from the Camorra to the Longobardi-Beneduce Clan, an emerging criminal organization. The bar is even owned by the organization’s daughter.

Gennaro Del Guiudice who has been threatened by the Camorra
Now it seems an associate of the Camorra who has since been arrested is extremely unhappy with his reporting and has threatened him.
The mafia group has targeted this newspaper before because of its articles and investigations.
Following his arrest, the Camorra associate said,
“I’m watching what you’re writing. You make me look like an idiot. We will keep you under control. You will be punished.”
Italy’s journalist’s union, the FNSI said,
“It is unacceptable that the safety of those who do their job by telling the truth are put at risk this way. The union’s solidarity goes to Del Giudice, we are going to be at his side every step of the way in front of the Italian Authorities
The IFJ (International Federation of Journalists) and EFJ (European Federation of Journalists) have strongly condemned the physical threats and psychological abuse against Del Giudice and his family. They have strongly urged the Italian Authorities to guarantee their safety.