New Mafia book on Whitey Bulger: Where the Bodies Were Buried


T.J. English is an award winning author and one of the foremost experts on the Irish mafia. One of his previous books Paddy Whacked was a part of the Whitey Bulgers book collection when he was apprehended in his Santa Monica apartment. Mr. English is out with a new book on Whitey Bulger the former leader of the Winter Hill Gang and one of Boston’s most notorious mobsters. The new mafia book Where the Bodies Were Buried: Whitey Bulger and the World That Made Him explores the relationship between Bulger and the FBI and how politics, gangsterism, and law enforcement continued to be intertwined.


Where the Bodies Were Buried


The new mob book is dubbed as the last word on the reign and terror of Bulger one of which many feared would never end. English gives a revisionist account of the story of Bulger along with an in depth look at the decade long culture of collusion between the Irish mob, Italian mob, and the feds. We also get an insight into Bulgers personal understanding of the alleged immunity deal he had with the feds. It contains in depth first person interviews with former FBI agents, criminal associates, and victims and family members of victims.

There have been previous Whitey Bulger books, but none go into as great a detail and provides the solid evidence that the demoralization of the Department of Justice and the FBI allowed these mobsters to terrorize New England. Considering the past work of English this new book Where the Bodies Were Buried: Whitey Bulger and the World That Made Him is sure to be a hit!