Former mobster John Rubeo avoids more prison time after podcast boast

Former mobster John Rubeo avoids more prison time after podcast boast

Former Genovese associate John Rubeo was able to avoid more prison time due to the COVID-19 virus after admitting to three blatant probation violations on the “Johnny and Gene Show,” a podcast YouTube channel hosted by ex-gangsters John Alite and Gene Borrello.

Rubeo, 45, explained on the podcast how he destroyed evidence in the recent Joey Merlino trial, which led to Merlino agreeing to a sweetheart plea deal, while he was working for the FBI.

Manhattan federal judge Richard Sullivan blasted Rubeo and accused him of “making a monkey” out of the court and FBI.  “You can make a monkey out of the FBI, you can make a monkey out of the government — fine,” Sullivan said.  “But you’re not going to make a monkey out of this court … You gave a black eye to this court.”

Judge Sullivan clearly stated that the coronavirus pandemic is the sole reason why Rubeo will not be returning to court.

“I was committing more crimes when I was working for them than when I was on the street… And they were paying me $15,000 a month,” Rubeo said on the ‘Johnny and Gene Show.’

Sullivan also ripped into the FBI after it was discovered that Rubeo discussed the podcast appearance with his FBI handler.

“You covered your a** a little bit, went to the FBI. But the fact is this was premeditated,” Sullivan said.

“I don’t think you appreciate the harm that you caused. You made the FBI look foolish. I’m not going to have you making the court look foolish.”

Rubeo pled guilty to three violations last month, including lying to his probation officer and association with convicted felons for the purpose of participating in an audio-visual podcast.

The former informant previously spent about five years wearing a wire and two years in jail, he said on the podcast.

“I was pretty confident I wouldn’t be seeing Mr. Rubeo again,” Judge Sullivan said.  “This is a person who was given an opportunity and squandered it. I’m really troubled by it.”

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